Need help for a youth in crisis?
Youth Providers Association is here to help. We understand that it can be difficult to find the correct resources that fit your needs. To that end, we maintain a list of links to help get you and the one you love started (see below).
We also provide a directory of member providers who meet our criteria for excellence. View them here.
Emergency Services
If youth is in immediate risk of danger to self or others, please call 9-1-1 or take them to your local hospital.
To get help with crisis response, suicide prevention, and emotional/mental support please, click here.
Preventative Services
If the youth you are giving care to is not in immediate danger, try one of these free resources.
SafeUT (link)
SafeUT is a resource for crisis calls, and chats—about yourself or someone else—24/7. These free services, provided by University of Utah Health, are confidential. Our counseling topics include:
- Depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues
- Suicide prevention
- Loss and grief
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Drug and alcohol problems
- Self-harm
- Relationship difficulties
- Any life challenge
SafeUT is free and confidential.
Stabilization & Mobile Response (link)
Stabilization and Mobile Response is for any child, parent, or caregiver, for any reason, at any time.
LiveOn Utah (link)
Call 1.800.273.TALK at any time to talk to a licensed clinician for suicide prevention or to help a loved one.